I dunno y but i always feel apprehensive goin to a govt office.... today was just the same . I had been to the RTO office to gt my llr...
As usual the guy who was suppose to take me thru the procedures was late... which gave me ample amount of time to look around....
The first thing that u obeserve is that there is no system !!! Its really a surprise that things ever get done here.. As usual the corner tea stall doubled up as an office for most of the agents... Ppl kept goin in and out of a makeshift curtain in the tea stall... Also u have ppl who are fishing for customers who keep staring at u trying to figure out whether they can approach u...
Finally the guy came and we went to the main rto place...
I was supposed to give a written test n stuff...when i went in for the test though

The most surprising thing was that al the questions were printed in tamil !!! So i approched a guy and told him i could'nt read tamil fluently... wat he said was even more startling.. he just told me to mark any answer i wanted.. i had'nt even got my pen out when the officer simply took my paper and affixed a rubber stamp on it...
Next i had to get one more sign from another person... while waitin in the queue there came this guy... dressed better than most govt workers he simply walked in.. got out his customers' forms... affixed the rubber stamps himself and walked out !! He even signed for the 2 ppl he reprsented... and al this while no one gave a damn !!
Anyways i got my llr and came out..... was i concerned about the rampant corruption ???
nah...as long as i get my work done nothin troubles me...
its crossed my mind many a times though... but nothin translates into action..
guess i really dont care until another day at a govt office !!!
nice.....guess hari had a similar post abt beurocracy in india,,
good one da...
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